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End of an era.

After three albums and three years of unforgettable music and growth, we, CYGNUS, have decided to part ways with our record label, Count Zero Records, based in Zagreb, Croatia. It has been an incredible journey filled with creativity, collaboration, and milestones that have shaped us as artists.

Making this decision was not easy, but after careful consideration, we have chosen not to renew our contract with Count Zero Records for another period. This choice comes from a desire to explore new opportunities and directions for our music career. We are immensely grateful to Count Zero Records for their support, guidance, and belief in our music over the years.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone at Count Zero Records who has worked tirelessly alongside us—your dedication has been invaluable. Together, we have achieved more than we ever imagined possible, and we will always cherish the memories and achievements we've shared.

As we move forward, we wish Count Zero Records the very best in all their future endeavors. May they continue to discover and nurture talented artists, bringing exceptional music to the world.

To our fans and supporters, thank you for being with us on this incredible journey. Your unwavering support fuels our passion and inspires us every day. We are excited about the future and can't wait to share new music and experiences with you.

Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this new chapter. The best is yet to come!

With heartfelt appreciation,


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" May the road rise to meet you "

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